Monday, February 02, 2009

Dulce Veneno

It's been such a long, hard winter. Three of my friends have been laid off in the last week and a half and a whole lot more are bracing themselves for the inevitable. It is still sooty/ snowy and cold. It did warm up to just over freezing this weekend, so that was nice.

I am trying to be more positive. Here are some breasts to cheer us all up.

Another thing that cheers me ... I like the song Dulce Veneno by Uranio. Unos de los musicos del grupo Uranio -- especificamente, el cantador -- son muy sexy de modo machos paisos, sino no haría dormirlo eso tipo del piso para comer bizcochitos. Mejor, él comería mi bizcochito. They play the song on Mex to the Max on the chicano music video station, which I now have thanks to my digital convertor box.

I am glad we get new channels -- including one that shows movies like It Happened One Night and Taxi Driver and All That Jazz weeknights at 7 pm. That almost makes up for the fact that every time a truck or squad car goes by my house everything pixelates to pieces. Seven o'clock movies are good because they keep me off the booze and cigarettes and men.


Jane said...

Ha...I'll make sure you have movies every day of your life!!!!

Pelmo said...

Don't want to complain, but frontal is preferable to side views.

La Sirena said...

Jane -- Quit being such a mother.

Pelmo -- I think you do mean to complain.

Love you both.

changapeluda said...

yeah well i got laid off from DewBug so add me to your pile

that's okay tho' the cafeteria gloves/poop were just tooooo
much for me to bear MORE

SHIT in my life...also too, i have more time for the lofty ideas/outside art.

so there


La Sirena said...

Changa, Write romance novels under a sexy pseudonym -- like Changapeluda! In your debut, you could write about a muy sexy cantador who has a mustache and a cowboy hat and can't get enough of the sweet poison of the object of his affection -- a sensuous found-object artist who lives in the country with her children, mother, and the occasional singing cowboy...

changapeluda said...

only if they get to get their luscious freak on
right in front of a ginormous
Fireplace on a soft white rug....


La Sirena said...

awesome! That's so Barbara Cartland or Dynasty or something...

changapeluda said...

re: your comment over at my blog
that i thought nobody reads anymore
(sniff sniff)

IT's a SIGN!

and i hope a premonition

La Sirena said...

sign, sign everywhere a sign...

Indigobusiness said...

Who could truly complain?