Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fashionably Late

I went with my friend to her big work shindig last night. I didn't get the memo about the dress code. Most of the women were wearing little black dresses with tights and shoes very much like the one pictured here. (Call me old-fashioned but I'm pretty sure you aren't supposed to wear hose with open-toed shoes.) I wore jeans and my peely red leather boots. Sometimes I feel like Clint Eastwood. That's probably why everyone was casually feeling out the true nature of the relationship between my friend and me. She and I are friends, not "girlfriends" but still, I refused to debunk that myth. That would be very un-cowboy of me.

In keeping with the flavor of the evening, we slipped away before the dancing and went to the secret bar. There was a cowboy band playing complete with a violinist and a lead guitarist with a 1950s era Fender in virginal white which contrasted nicely with his black pearl snap western shirt. The band was good. The lead singer was Australian but everybody knows Australians make the best rednecks because they're from the Deep South.

I can't remember the name of the band but my friend had to pass the tip jar because she's outgoing, trustworthy and was wearing a nice femme outfit. I guess that makes me the butch -- well, that and my Clint Eastwood glare.


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, my name is Mark, I've read about 40 of your blog posts, you are quite the interesting character. I used to hang out at "Lounge Ax". Do you know me? I read your blog about meeting Avril there. I have a Lounge Ax tribute site, there are pictures of me and many of the regulars on it. My email address can be found there. I'd love to hear from her, and discover if you are one of the regulars I know.

Zoro said...

I also feel like Clint Eastwood and I sometimes wonder if he feels like me. Do you feel like me Jen? I suddenly feel that all of us are like the seagulls in finding nemo, twitching nervously whilst repeating reassuringly "ark, ark, ark, ark, ark, ark". I'd almost say, "ad infinitum" but hold my tongue for appearing a-politically correct. I am besotted with the seagull race and reassurred there will always be a world as long as there are seagulls. Here begins the long goodbye. Sorry for the unsollicited trippiness.


The Crone said...

I am you, you are me, we are he.

La Sirena said...

Zoro -- ark, ark, ark, ark, ark, ark, ark. I feel you, man and I enjoy your unsolicited trippiness. I hope you enjoy my unsolicited irreverence. I'm glad you sometimes feel like Clint, too. Honestly, I have this feeling that Clint only ever feels like Clint -- at least since the 70s, anyway.

mary jane On second thought, you're probably right. Get your Clint on.

Mark -- I saw your link on my post about Avril. I looked at some of the pictures. It's a cool site. I was more of a semi-regular. I somewhat hung out with Roy and Adam and of course, Avril and Tom and Dan O'D. But come to think of it, I feel like I went to Lounge Ax often with a whole bunch of different people and for a long time with a fake ID. I remember seeing Smashing Pumkins there in high school and when I was older, Wilco. I'll drop you a line soon.

Zoro said...

Irreverence is just the least of it, You and your born again satire and 'let's wash our hair' contribution to world peace. I refute your disgusting wont to poke fun at serious people. I am watching you Jen, and so are 'those in power.


Ed Pilolla said...

don't discount the straight hotness of jeans and peely red boots. and my favorite rednecks grew up in the north, in exclusively white neighborhoods and harbor all the 'they're taking over!' perspectives of the world.

i know, i have strange tastes.

JBoombostick said...

Ha! When Australia comes to mind I visualize Paul Hogan,Fosters commercials and Steve Irwin even though that is certainly not the case for the better part of their population.

La Sirena said...

Bostick!! Oh my god. Gald you're posting again. I'll relink you in a bit.

Ed -- I agree that peely red boots are hot but I am also weird. The rest of your description sounds like many members of my family -- so i don't find them hot because that would be gross. But I know what you mean.

Zoro -- It's all true. I warrant a warrant.