Smoking Makes You Smarter...
... and quitting makes you stupid.
I quit smoking a few weeks back and boy, am I dumb! My short-term memory is seriously impaired (no, I don't use MJ) to the point where I regularly have to consult my datebook to see what I did a few days before. I am also checking and re-checking my sent box at work to see if I've submitted crucial emails and I am repeatedly checking my files to see if I've shipped important documents. (I have -- although in one case, I forgot to include all of the relevant attachments. Naturally, that one was going to a federal regulatory department.)
I'm finding it difficult to sit though an entire movie and I love movies! I have started reading 4 books in the last 3 weeks and I can't get past the first chapter on any of them. If I start watching a television show and it goes to commercial, I wander off never to return. I have tried to complete a blog entry on a subject that is very important to me, but I can't seem to construct one complete sentence about it.
I'm hoping this is temporary -- because it turns out that it is scientifically proven that smoking makes you smarter. Ask Albert Einstein.
Now why didn't anyone tell me about THAT? Instead, everyone likes to ponificate on the health and functioning of my lungs and heart -- but everyone who knows me, knows that given a choice between healthy heart and healthy brain, I tend to opt for the brain. Relax, my people, I don't plan to fall off the wagon. But if my cognition doesn't radically improve in the next few weeks, I am going to start wearing the nicotine patch 24/7.
Look into Qi Gong meditation.
Hmmmm... perhaps you are on to something...
Dear Anonymous,
Post your name or don't post your opinion, which is ridiculous given the 8 years of tyranny we just barely suvived.
And speaking of that -- where was your anal vigilance then? A lot of us who helped get Obama elected were calling Congress and trying to stop Cheney and Bush from killing innocents, destroying our national security, our economy and our constitution. Where were you, you nameless, hateful pansy-chicken-shit?
And do not post graphic porn links on my site. You are abusive and I will not tolerate it.
Go get some therapy. We, your fellow citizens, have been through enough.
Oh and by the way ... you are questioning President Obama's ethics because based on the word of a former defense contractor.?
Site your source.
Dear Anonymous,
While it is true that President Obama is going back on his own rule -- which I do disagree with -- he has been completely open and transparent about the whole brouhaha.
The source you site is an opinion piece, an editorial. While I understand that Neocons have gotten away with passing off hopes and opinions as fact, that is intellectual sloppiness and invalid.
Please note that I will no longer accept anonymous posts on my blog. Grow a set or go away.
Consider my view if you will that whoever proposes and exerts the demise of the res publica by making the required mistakes that lead to it, is cool, whether left central right or up their own arse. The very split second that any one takes their own view to heart, he or she is fair game for the satirist and I say "shame on you Barack, shame on you". When you first decided you could help America and help the world, your cloak fell dead onto the earth outside capitol hill. Jeer the bougeois christian bullshit! Barack comes to us from a long line of pimps, but I aint no aborted foetus and how the fuck will they ever know?
Z -- I don't think you understand. This post wasn't even about Obama. Then this fucking nameless freak is attacking me from nowhere including hotlinking hardcore sex acts onto my comments section, which I find abusive, misogynist and scary since he didn't do the porn links on the blog authored by a male which he followed me from.
When I banned anonynous comments from my blog HE STARTED POSTING UNDER MY BLOGGER NAME.
The ones without an icon are not me.
Dear Anonymous Pansy,
You live in or near Oakland, California. Your internet provider is Comcast. You don't have Internet Explorer because you use a Mac and therefore Safari let's you surf the web.
Your IP address is 69.181.50.
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