Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In your head they are fighting...

How bitchy is it to be really irritated by those who use no punctuation nor capitals in their emails -- except when their LOLing all over the email like a giddy 12 year old girl on a sugar high?


I enjoy laughing aloud. I've even been known to gleefully cackle. When I write an email, my laughter is implied. Use the context clues. If there is a misunderstanding, farcical plotlines ensue. Later, we can LOL together.

Also, WTF is IMAO? I googled it -- instant message at once.

One of my standard icebreaker questions when meeting a gentleman who might have potential is: What would you do in case of a zombie pandemic? How would you survive?

This question separates the men from the boys. It's a brief global assessment of a man's wits, imagination, priorities, sense of humor, common sense and his ability to survive a pandemic in order to reproduce -- which on a Darwinian level, gets a lady all worked up. (Of course, it probably helps if he's into zombie flicks. There could be a minor snag in my seemingly foolproof test.)

Anyway... perhaps you can understand why I might have found "IMAO" as a response to this question rather disappointing.

Oh and NFY...


Anonymous said...

Rare form Sirena! I was ROTFWL (rolling on the floor with laughter)!


Indigobusiness said...

I've lived my life in the midst of a zombie pandemic.

I refuse to spawn.

La Sirena said...

I subscribe to the hypothesis that we're all attracted to those with whom we would create the sturdiest spawn, aka children.

Even if a person has consciously decided not to reproduce, that person will still be most attracted sexually to those with whom they would create the “fittest” offspring.

Mother Nature designed us for genetic duplication and reproduction, the perpetuation of the species – probably to Her own chagrin.

We're all living in the midst of a zombie pandemic. Gold star to you for being the first one to pick up on the intended metaphor.

Indigobusiness said...

If your theory held true to form, I'd never've been hatched.

The question is: Would've the planet been better off without my gold star existence?

La Sirena said...

Your continued survival proves fitness. Your gold star existence proves my theory and your endless questions probably improve the planet. The trick is...we don't get to see the master plan.

Don't misunderstand. I'm not talking about social darwinism -- but I am talking about the biological imperative that drives our instincts -- instincts we can choose to override via conscience, wisdom, experience, religious sacraments, financial incentives...

Biology may inspire us, or even cause us to prioritize -- but it doesn't override free will.

Indigobusiness said...

Plan? What plan?

It's all instinct and impulse...URGE.

What we refer to as God's will.

Indigobusiness said...

All the folderol of our fancy notions, pomp and circumstance, boil down to
the freewill choice between harmony and discord.

La Sirena said...

Free choice, yes -- but whose interpretation of harmony and discord? Some would say it's a harmonious choice to install ridiculous laws and mandatory beliefs.

I think creating harmony is an instinctual urge, that often leads to cacophony...

Indigobusiness said...


Harmony and discord in relation to the immutable natural URGE, inherent in all that is.

Nothing arbitrary, aside from choice.

That's the rub.

La Sirena said...


(Enough balderdash and folderol --I am arbitrarily choosing harmony.)

Indigobusiness said...

It's not a choice,
it's a cosmic imperative.

La Sirena said...

Like debating the finest of points with Indigobusiness?

It definitely feels imperative -- but it's probably a free will expression of my contrary nature.