Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Today is my first day of school. No really, I start a Master's of Science program. I kept waking up every hour last night because of excitement and nerves.

So back to writing papers and studying and generally trying to behave myself.

I may have to be more sedate but I will not become boring.

(Oh, and this mermaid was created by David Delamare. I like his mermaids and have used them in previous posts although they all kind of look like they're just lolling around, waiting for Dave to creep up and seduce the song out of them.)


Pelmo said...

Knowing you the way I do, I know you are going to Ace this thing.

La Sirena said...

Awwww.... shucks...

Pelmo said...

With the awwww....shucks are we to start calling you Opie.

La Sirena said...

You betcha! ;~)

Zoro said...

Gun totin' Americans surely treat Obama as a socialist "nigger". All those with racks of guns and white pointee hats are surely pissed that a nigger is running America. Next things the pricks are arguing that jesus christ wasn't an east mediterranian carpenter, but a white english travelling salesman. Why? Obama is the anti-christ of course! You can see where those thick bastards are going. Obama knows they're coming, he's no messiah, there is no fucking messiah. It's pretty good sport though from my viewpoint.


Zoro said...

Huge sorry for saying stupid things; looks like I can be as bigoted too. Mr. Angry has gone back into his box.


La Sirena said...

No problem, Zoro. If you don't let Mr. Angry carefully out of the box once in awhile he will eat you up.

I would like to point out one thing as as a citizen of this beautifully tragic American experiment. Yes, there is some very ugly racism here (although it comes in a variety of flavors and potencies) and I'm glad that you are kicking back and enjoying the show, but while you watch please remember that Europe shares some culpability in American racial issues -- specifically creating the african slave trade and tangentially the empire building in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, or for that matter, in the Americas. These are threads in the international, historical weave we contend with now. We are none of us innocents.