Circular Thinking
It is estimated that the occupation of Iraq has cost US taxpayers about $536 billion by the end of today, Wednesday, May 21st.
Of course, the cost of food has gone up because the cost of oil has gone up -- and the only people making money off that are Bush's friends, like the bigwigs at Halliburton and the Al Saud family.
I'm not friends with the Halliburton board of directors, or the Al Saud family (rumored to be supporting the insurgency in Iraq). I do have friends who are farmers and they are having a tough year because the price of oil is so high and frankly a disproportionate amount of people from rural areas are serving in Iraq and Afghanistan -- their kids are fighting the insurgents who are subject to and financially supported by the Al Saud family.
And meanwhile, our surplus food reserves are drying up. The food pantries and soup kitchens are receiving less food, just as more people are forced by the economy to use them.
So the Executive Idiot thinks the answer is to deny funding to farmers -- most of whom work another full time job to "support their farming habit" as my friend Jaybird says.
So more family farmers are forced out of business trying to pay for diesel fuel...
further depleting food reserves...
which more Americans need because everything is so expensive because of the high cost of oil and the weak dollar....
which was weakened by Bush's policies favoring his big business alliances...
which is why we are spending $750 million dollars a day to occupy Iraq...
which is why the Al Saud family sends so-called insurgents into Iraq to fight US military...
which is why Cheney and Bush threaten to attack Iran...
which is why hundreds of thousands of human beings die for oil...
which is reaping record profits for big business, Bush and his cronies...
This blog rocks my face entirely off.
It's kind of amazing
good job
hey! whaddaya know - just gettin ready to tell ya how i fucken scared/offended my Tia Queto (& she won't read it no mo')with an old posted like minded Bush Rant and here's my G.
ha ha
la sirena y la familia....
we're mexican like that
bush sux
& worse!
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