Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Sveikinu gimtadienio proga!

(That's "happy birthday" in Lithuanian. Today is my mom's birthday and the first day of summer -- or the solstice. This could be a coincidence, but I doubt it. She has that kind of sunshine about her, with that hint of symbolic archaic magic that tends to shade an ancient holiday.)

My Ma and Pete are on their honeymoon in Lithuania, because Pete was born there but moved away with his family as an infant. He has never been back to visit before.

The CIA has lots of information (duh!) at this website if you want to learn some interesting facts about Lithuania.

So, Happy Birthday, Mom! I hope you're drinking wine and soaking up the culture and having a good time being lovebirds with Pete.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I am on a secret government mission and here you are giving away my location of my world travels to save mankind from impending disaster. Remember, loose lips sink Lithuanians. Pete